My Freelancing Journey After service


Prior to finishing service,my heart was on my sleeve about the next thing for me since my country doesn’t value education.

I surfed through the net,glanced around the social media’s I am familiar with in search of any trending skills that’s in voke one could do after service.Without no doubt,I loved Digital skills.I can clearly spend my clothing money on getting the knowledge of one.

Hahaha I didn’t say “ I could use my Food money to pay for a digital skill right” I’m clearly a foodie and for man to survive,he must chop..By the way,I can not learn on an empty stomach..

On a rainy Tuesday morning while scrolling through Facebook,my eyes got hold of a coach timeline about freelancing,mind you,I have seen look alike ads that had same name.

As a smart Nigerian girl,I went through the likes,comment section and her wall.Ofcourse you know where to get the real truth and right information of products or whatever talked about is in the comment section.

After much reading and researching,I made up my mind to pay for her class which was the August Batch . I contacted her and made payment .then, I looked forward to the class .Within me,I was so excited and of high hopes.

Who wouldn’t want to work from the comfort of her home and earn in foreign currency considering how things are of high increase .Inflation took over the market.our Naira depreciated skyrocketing the United States Dollar.

This class began and my eyes were wide open as I realized I was Toyama novice in the remote work and it’s softwares used.My coach basically,focused on the student picking three skills for themselves.For each skill,she gave links and insights on how to go about the learning process as class continued .


I personally choose Virtual assistant , social media management and Content writing since I have broad knowledge of writing skills in me .These were skills I so much have passion about.The class lasted for two weeks .We were added to the Alumni group later on.My journey as a freelancer began .Everything she thought were all knew to me so I needed to learn before I could earn.I went further to buy courses with my clothing money again.Broadened my Knowledge and even went on seeking for volunteer jobs .

After much trials of submitting proposals,I began to feel bad but not at the point of giving up.At this point,my rejected proposals was 11 while total of submitted proposals were 40.




Every middle of the night after my prayers,I stayed awake to hunt for jobs and construct proposals for 3 hours most times,hoping that one will click.

Upwork Proposal


In total I spent roughly 35thousabd naira in buying connect for submission of proposals yet none clicked.Oneday I got very upset ,got to the Alumni group and complained of how I have been getting no response adding to the fact that,I had submitted too many applications.( Proposal ).My colleagues all turned it to a comic section.They all sent the numbers of proposals they have sent To Employers yet no positive feedback

After this,I calmly zipped up my mouth because I haven’t gotten to quatre of what they got to before they were accepted.I had only 42 proposals submitted all together.I am in awe of the lot’s of proposals they sent before getting a gig.

My question is,will i finally send more than this number of proposals or will I exceed it.Who knows my light might shine on me before these numbers of Letters.

I will keep you informed as I journey through in my Freelance pathway.

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