Early Independence:Living Home at Age 6


On the Journey of my childhood, exists an encounter that unfolds when Others are softened in the warmth of childhood. This Early stage and age, teased me to adulthood. The Decision to Leave at six was not made by me but by utilizing it as my startling grandmother’s (May her soul Rest in Peace)I couldn’t but find myself grappling with a decision beyond my years. My Maternal home was just 15 Miles separated so I could always run back home when I had a reflective feeling. As I said, I never made this bold choice of venturing beyond the known and exploring the world on my own terms. Exploring to me then was being at my maternal home and with my Gorgeous grandmother and Father.



Being out of the home without my parent was a challenge for me. Leaving behind my Younger sister who was the baby of the house then was so difficult. I cried all night at the same time, My grandparents needed a grandchild to aid them with chores and lessen their loneliness Navigating the challenges of daily life became a crash course in self-reliance. From tying my shoelaces to managing basic chores, each task served as a stepping stone in my journey towards personal responsibility.I wouldn’t say I wasn’t enjoying the “all “attention I got from my grandparent and the bound I grew to share with them.But now, Beign self independent was seen in every aspect of my life .Nevertheless, I was still pampered by them.Early in the morning, My grandma attends the Catholic early morning mass after making sure I was ready for school.She hid roasted Fishes, meats and Stockfish brought to her by her children from the urban area.Most times, she prepares this meat as a protein to my food.stylishly forcing 10Naira into my hands for “Biscuit”

Their morning routine was going to early morning mass .with his white horse, he rode to mass alarming the villagers that he is away with his bell .My grandmother and grandfather lived a very loving life as the tender love could still radiant around them even at old age.On Saturdays .Ezinne was always booked for wedding.Her lace is always glittering.But on her left leg, lies a deep wound she nurtures every morning.This wound was something I couldn’t decipher at that little age.One of my best memories in life was the one year spent,with my grandparent. She’s always wearing a smile bu t she never fails to discipline me. “Uturunma”Even the days I danced in the rain, she came out to join me for her to lure me out of the rain.She is such a devoted, free and joyous Fair Grandma. Leaving home at such a tender age was unconventional, but it laid the groundwork for a life filled with unique experiences, personal growth, and a deep connection with my grandparents I wouldn’t have had particularly My charming Grandmother. (Sobbing)

Have you ever left home to be with your grandparents?Did you enjoy staying with them  ?Did  you for a day feel Nostalgic about home?I would love to hear from you in the comment section. Let’s continue to Gist on my life stories.

By the way this is our African champion after leaving home early hours and he is done .Fully ready to get back home .He is currently thinking of what to do to avoid flogging.

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